Magic of Fillimet

Magic forms the foundation of Fillimet, its influence permeating into every facet of life from the most grandiose and complex spells of protective Cleansing Magic and Draconic Book Preservation to the simplest applications of refrigeration and Necromantic communication. In many ways the lives of Fillimet's citizens are defined by their relationship with the arcane magical fields that flow across the landscape, lending their energies to those capable of harnessing their possibilities.  

Living with Magic

With magic permeating every aspect of life on Fillimet, those already Attuned to the arcane maintain a notable advantage. The Naturally Attuned are able to cast magic from the moment they learn their first spell, with no special requirements to attune themselves to the magical fields underlying the magic networks of Fillimet. The Naturally Unattuned require a Focus, and are limited in their magical powers until they build up their endurance and capabilities through practice, but are able to lead successful magical careers provided they are willing the put in the effort.  

Names for Casters

Those capable of harnessing the powers of the magical fields are known by many names, most commonly as casters, mages, or magic users. Other terms depend upon the culture of the speaker.   A wizard in some locales is viewed as an expert who stands out in their field, someone who invested a great deal of time and effort in mastering their chosen expertise. Other cultures consider the term wizard an insult, to mean an eccentric magic caster, often a loner and usually considered at least a little crazy.   The term Sorcerer in modern day Fillimet is typically reserved as a title, particularly among Battle Mage regiments or as a recognition for outstanding achievement in certain Magic-based organizations. Older texts, however, seem to use the term interchangeably with mage.  

Magic as Technology

Throughout most of Fillimet magic is synonymous with technology, as most of the best modern day comforts and conveniences incorporate magic-enhanced techniques into their manufacturing processes or Rune Magic into their basic functions. The discovery of Dynapothix runes, allowing for the storage and replacement of arcane energies to power runes, has further accelerated this trend.   Not everyone wishes to rely upon magic for all their needs, of course. Some, such as the members of the Order of Abstention, believe magic is a blight upon the world and to be avoided at all costs. Others, such as the Fillimet Magical Archives, recognize the inherent risks due to the Third Law of Magic and seek to pioneer non-magical technologies in an effort to limit their magical use to essentials only.   Due to the vast collection of arcane knowledge already discovered, coupled with the efforts of groups such as the Goldaming Family in pushing the limits and boundaries of the arcane sciences, any technologies seeking to avoid magic likely require a great deal of research to approach their magic-enhanced competition.  

Mages and Education

Most citizens of Fillimet rely upon magic in some form or another. Many of these are simple spells passed down through generations of family or apprenticeships, such as a Biomicrokinesis spell to stimulate the yeast when baking bread, or a Metalmancy spell taught to strengthen the nails under a Metalsmith's hammer. While these are all accepted as magic they are also a simple fact of everyday life, and knowing a few spells does not designate an individual as a mage any more than learning the alphabet makes one a Master Librarian.   A true mage typically requires years of study and practice, either as an apprenticed mage or in a university setting. Sometimes this training will remain focused on a single end goal throughout the student's full education, as is the case when studying to become a Healer or a Battle Mage. Other times a student will select their preferred area of expertise within the available branches of magic, honing in on their desired profession or specialization as they learn more.   Rarely a caster may be able to claim they are self-taught, combining on the job training with book learning and expertise picked up from coworkers and fellow professionals. This is more common in the more dangerous professions, such as the Ghost Hunters. Here the most successful learn to absorb what knowledge they can from their fellows, and some even obtain more formal apprenticeships, but all who succeed agree that knowledge is survival.
Access & Availability
Anyone can be taught to cast magic, with the exception of those suffering from Unattunable Disorder. Training for mages is also found across Fillimet to varying degrees, although the most advanced training is often reserved for those attending dedicated magic schools or pursuing apprenticeships in highly specialized fields.   The products of magical spells and practices are also readily available to anyone with the proper coin and interest. Alchemical concoctions can be procured from the local Chemist, or Alchemist if you seek something more experimental. Rune Magic allows for the purchase of enchanted items and the Dynapothix runes required to power them. Even the local metalsmith or artisan likely has a large assortment of magically enhanced objects and products available for the right price.
The earliest mentions of magicin Fillimet predate history and available written records, such that nobody knows when the first discovery of magic occurred, only that it has been shaping both the cultures and technical innovations of society ever since.   Advancements in the magical arts occur at a steady and comfortable pace. A new spell here, a new usage for an existing spell there, as over time the understanding of magic and its place in society changes and adapts to fit what is most needed. Larger discoveries, such as the Draconic Book Preservation shared by Paitr Goldaming from his efforts befriending the feral dragons, occur seldom but often enough for academics to hold out hope they will be involved in the next such discovery.   Many hypothesize Rune Magic to be the next field rewritten by a world changing revelation.

Known Magics

While the boundaries of magic are tested and expanded regularly due to the unrelenting efforts of mages across Fillimet, most notably by the Goldaming Family, much is already known about the inner workings of the currently defined magic classifications. All magics follow the Three Laws of Magic, defining the behavior, availability, and effectiveness of magical spellwork.  
  1. The power of a spell is in direct proportion to the training, magical aptitude, and passion for its success of the caster.
  2. Each living creature has a limited supply of magical power at any given time, called Imperium, limiting the quantity or strength of spells cast.
  3. Magic permanently changes the creatures repeatedly exposed to it.
— Three Laws of Magic

Modern Magic

Magic Classifications

Fillimet classifies magic into nine major classifications, which are then split further into sub classifications. Classifications focus on the usage and sources of each set of magical powers. A mage may choose to specialize in a single classification, or more often to learn an assortment of spells from across multiple classifications, useful for their chosen profession.  
  • Artisanal Magic focuses on the manipulation, strengthening, and coloration of materials, allowing artisans and manufacturers to greatly enhance their products.
  • Countermagic serves as the protective magic of Fillimet, canceling or defending against potentially harmful spells and magical effects.
  • Divine Magic encompasses the classifications believed to form the foundations of the workings of Fillimet.
  • Elemental Magic allows for the manipulation of the elements to serve the needs and desires of the caster.
  • Interdimensional Magic allows for ease of travel or even the creation of private pockets of space.
  • Nature Magic grants the ability to manipulate the biological systems within living creatures, useful for altering their genetic makup, controlling their growth rates, and even providing healing.
  • Oramathea includes all vision-based magics, including vision enhancement, illusion, and improved insight.
  • Psychic Magic deals with magic of the mind, and especially emotions, allowing a caster to read and even change the minds of others.
  • Thaumadynamics allows casters to store, manipulate, and even share magical energies.

Advanced Magic

As a mage's skill increases, so too can their creativity at combining the traits of their known magics into more complex and specialized spells. These often combine expertise across various unrelated magic classifications, although the only requirement is a deeply specialized focus on a niche result.   Draconic Book Preservation serves as perhaps the most well known of these advanced magics, relying upon almost a dozen different classifications of magic ranging from Shielding Magic to Chronomancy to Alchemy for the protection and restoration of books and manuscripts. Most advanced magics do not reach this same level of complexity.   More commonly, advanced magics allow for the existence of specific modern conveniences such as Photography, the magic of still and moving images through the use of Illusion Magic, Thaumathea, and occasionally Anemancy. Advanced magic includes any specialized magical classification, from the closely guarded secrets of Tyrellium Crystalization to the everyday practices of Materials Reclamation to the ancient arts of Cryogenics.  

Other Magical Applications


The discovery of Rune Magic further enhanced the lives of Fillimet's citizenry, placing everyday magic in the hands of the common populace. Prior to runesmithing anyone could purchase items manufactured using magic, but technologies relying upon channeled magical effects remained out of reach.   The discovery of runes changed everything. Now magical power can be poured into runed effects and even stored in Dynapothix runes to power those runes, bringing modern conveniences such as refrigeration into everyday usage. Rune Magic remains a growing field, expanding in both application and influence as more runes and more complex applications are discovered.  

Vitriol Magic

Vitriol Magic relies upon the intentions behind a mage's spellwork, and can apply to any spell cast regardless of its classification. Casting spells with the intention of harming others primarily for personal gain activates the powers of Vitriol, increasing the power of the spell while risking eventual harmful side effects against the caster and others regularly exposed to magics powered in this way. To some, the risks are worth the reward.  

Ancient Magic

The secrets of Ancient Magic predate present day society, and very little has been discovered as to its exact nature. It is believed that the current stones found across Fillimet played an integral role in the use of ancient magic, but their usage also remains a mystery. The rediscovery of ancient magic would herald a revolution in the field of magical technology, or result in the complete collapse of society, depending upon who is telling the tale.

Cover image: Nature Forest Trees by jplenio


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Jun 29, 2021 03:03 by Kahuna The Elder

Impressive - way more organized than I could have done at them moment!

Jun 29, 2021 10:18 by Morgan Biscup

Thank you! It's been my labor of love for over a year now. I think I started during WorldEmber 2019 haha!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jun 29, 2021 15:33 by Kahuna The Elder

Ah....just when i was an embryonic Anvilite!

Jun 29, 2021 07:48

Very well written an intriguing classifications for magic. This has so many possibilities.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
Jun 29, 2021 10:18 by Morgan Biscup


Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jun 29, 2021 10:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I'm so proud of you - you've done such a good job! <3 This is a great overview article. I like that you go a little bit into the education and stuff here. :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jun 29, 2021 11:13 by Morgan Biscup

Thank you so much! I am thrilled to finally have everything classified!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jun 29, 2021 16:04

Wow, what a thorough and well-reasoned magic system! I love your naming conventions, as well as the little details that make this come alive, like the Goldaming Family and Dynapothix runes. I was also intrigued by the concept of the vengeful dead, and the Ghost Hunters being the "last line of defense." One minor note, in the chart of magic, the tooltips for Oramathea and Thaumadynamics don't work for me, but that might just be my browser issue.

Jun 29, 2021 16:17 by Morgan Biscup

Thanks for the heads up! Next time I am on my PC I will check the chart, I may have broken the links at some point.   Ah, the dead of Fillimet. Because of the way my Necromancy works I have been taken down some interesting pathways. I've been having a lot of fun exploring how that interacts with the world.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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