Artisanal Magic

Artisanal magics encompass all classes of magic utilized in the crafting of artisanal goods. Threadmancy, Arbormancy, Metalmancy, Leathermancy, and Chromamancy all fall under this classification. Artisanal magics can be used individually or a skilled artisan may utilize a collection of spells across all categories depending upon their crafted products.


Artisanal magic is typically broken up across five different categories. These may be used separately or combined depending upon the materials utilized by the casting artisan. These magics are also complimentary to traditional crafting methods, and utilizing both magical and mundane methods will produce a higher quality product requiring less effort and time than relying on only magic or mundane processes.  


Threadmancy allows for the creation and manipulation of threads, allowing for intricate weaves or high strength fabrics. While typically applied to threads made of organic materials a highly trained threadmancer can also manipulate inorganic threads such as Tyrellium, provided the material has already been formed into threads.  


Arbormancy is the manipulation of plants, typically woods. This class of magic can add strength or flexibility to materials, and can even be applied to alter the material properties of growing plants.  


Metalmancy allows for the alteration of material properties of metals as well as its chemical makeup. Metalmancers can purify ores or create precisely controlled alloys. They can also sense ores within materials, making them useful for Miners to locate new veins. Pottery is also included in this category, as its creation requires similar methods despite the typical lack of metal.  


Leathermancy assists with leatherwork, allowing for more efficient preparation of the leather itself as well as alterations of the strength, flexibility, and shape of leather products. When the leather item is comprised of multiple scraps of leather Threadmancy is also used to stitch the pieces together.  


Chromamancy is the most difficult to master of all artisanal magics. While most professions learn the basics to allow for better color manipulations in their own items the full skill of chromamancy requires years of training combined with intense concentration. The most skilled of chromamancers can not only alter the colors of objects but also of living creatures and beings.
Access & Availability
While mastery of the more difficult artisanal abilities typically requires years of training and practice the simplest of these spells are frequently intuitive to those gifted with a natural understanding of their respective class of artisanal magic. Those without a natural talent can still be trained quite effectively, and may even achieve the highest levels of skill in their craft. They will simply require more training to learn each skill and more concentration and Imperium to cast them.
Most artisanal magics are relatively simple to cast once an individual understands the concepts behind their usage. As a result the caster can select their own desired motions or incantations for the spell as these are simply a tool to focus their mind on the spell. Most artisanal casters therefore use the motions of mundane crafting techniques to quiet their minds and focus their spells, to the point where most are not visibly utilizing magic at all.   Chromamancy is a notable exception. While the basic chromatic shifting of chromamancy is easily accomplished using traditional artisanal magic methods the more advanced applications require intense concentration on the desired colors, patterns, and final hue placements on the target. As a result this class of magic requires years of study to master and the use of more advanced chromamancy spells is easy to spot.

Cover image: Nature Forest Trees by jplenio


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Dec 22, 2019 21:11 by R. Dylon Elder

I HAVE BEEN WAITING AND FINALLY IT IS HERE! First ill say again, the idea of having a branch of magic that focuses on magically creating artisnal goods is just... awesome. its such a cool idea. I dont have much to add other than that sadly... I would love to know the history and development of this form though. Any notable names? Any crazy thick tomes filled with like... quilt patterns? im not joking, it seems like it would fit and this article is the perfect place to layout that history. Im a sucker for history with magic. Great work as always!

Dec 22, 2019 21:45 by Morgan Biscup

I had not thought of that, but now I am going to have to do some documents and such about it!   As far as history, I don't have anything currently planned but eventually I would like to figure that out. I am just trying to define all my magics for now, so I can think on how they interact.   Thank you so much for the kind words!

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