Chapter 28

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Aside from the increased security, Sunny can't help but comment on how lovely the day in the city is. The sun is shining brightly, and the birds are singing. The sky was painted with a beautiful array of colors, a sight that was always pleasant to look at.

Despite the loud bystanders passing by, appreciating the beauty of the world. It's always been one of his favorite things to do—to stop and take in the sights and sounds of the world around him.

If he had his earphones on without having to worry about the recent events he was unfortunately enough to be part of, it might give a very different impression in this moment of time, and he could be just another average person, just another boy trying to make his way through life.

However, he's not. He's the prime suspect in a massacre that claimed the lives of dozens of those guys who tried to attack him. While it is out of self-defense, Sunny should've reported it to the authorities rather than taking matters into his own hands.

Even if he did, those guys would likely have learned of it, and worse, he would target not only him but his beloved family as well, a horrifying thought that would haunt him for the rest of his days if that came to fruition. Luckily for him, he successfully dealt with the problem without any of his allies or himself getting seriously harmed or killed.

The only regret he has is taking the lives of those who wanted to kill him for wielding a power they don't understand. He didn't want to hurt them, but it was either him or them. And judging by how they presented themselves, a mere talk won't convince them either.

Yet he wanted to feel satisfied with getting rid of them; they were scum anyway, as some overly righteous person would say in society. In his eyes, this feeling is unacceptable, and he won't let himself believe in it, no matter the cost.

Forgiveness, sympathy, love, compassion, and equality are what all humans should strive for when they wish to be not just some upstanding citizen but also an upright human being who is perfect and flawless like they should be. The kind of person that Sunny strives to become.

If he intended to strive to do the right thing, then he must hold no ill will against his enemies or find satisfaction in their short lives. For a good man to hate is to become a lesser version of their own selves.

Glancing at his side, Lei was in deep thoughts like him as they walked side by side down the streets. His best friend and sibling, whom he trusted with his secrets, were currently in a world of their own troubles.

The sheer weight of the responsibility that he had to bear, the constant fear of being caught, and the knowledge of what he had done were not things that could be easily handled. She can feel what he is feeling, and by that virtue alone, it made him melancholic for putting all his troubles on her.

"Lei, are you alright?" He said, worried for the android, "You look unwell." Studying her expression, he
noticed the sadness and tension in her eyes as she just nodded her head in response.

Stopping in her tracks, she awkwardly caressed her own left shoulder while averting her eyes away. "Sunny, will you come back?" Lei asked, her voice trembling as the fear of him leaving her behind was too much for her to bear.

"Are you permanently going to leave us for the sake of your own ambitions?" She understands the reasons for it, but having been together with him for so long, it feels like losing a part of herself if he is to go. A terrible feeling of loneliness and abandonment filled her heart and mind.

Looking down, his hands clenched tightly into fists. "Come back?" Sunny is going to miss them greatly, his family, and his friends altogether. Just thinking of leaving them behind to chase after his dream is tearing him apart inside, but he knows he needs to do it for the sake of finding his true self.

"I'll always be here for you, Lei. You know that, right?" He assured her, his voice heavy with emotion. "I am not sure if I will come back, but..." Smiling sadly, he sighed before continuing, "I'll make sure we're connected somehow. We'll always find each other again."

His answer was vague, but for someone like Lei, that is all she needed to hear to get her spirits back. "You're a sweet man," her features softened, a rare smile gracing her lips. "Will it be a promise that you will return and visit us?" She asked, her hope renewed. She was starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel in this conflicting and confusing situation.

"You have my word, Lei. I'll come back to you. When the time is right, we'll meet again," he promised. The look in his eyes was sincere. "Just remember how much of a fighter you are. Don't lose hope in the darkest hour. I'll always be cheering for you, no matter where I'll be." His words were filled with conviction and truth; he meant every single word of it.

Their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them, one that only those who shared a bond like theirs could truly understand. The familial love of brother and sister, the unbreakable trust of friendship, and the devotion of allies.

They may be separated by distance, time, or even death, but their connection will never be severed. It's a bond that only grew stronger with each passing day and with each challenge they faced. As long as they have memories of each other, that is what gives them the strength to motivate themselves further.

Tears began to stream down her face. The sweetness of his words and the promise he made to her were more than she could handle.

Her emotions were taking control of her, and the pain of losing him was becoming too much to bear. However, she knows this young man will do his best to keep his word. "I'll wait for you, Sunny," her voice cracking, "always."

Smiling in return, he closed his eyes before looking down. "I'll be waiting for you, too, Lei. No matter where our paths take us, I'll be there. I promise," his voice quivered a little, betraying the depth of his emotions.

"I'm not sure if I could keep that promise, but as long as hope exists within the hearts of all human beings, then it's a promise I'll keep," he said, vowing to himself and to her, "until the end of time."

"Come here!" Already missing the embrace of Sunny, she immediately wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close.

"I love you, Sunny, a human who dares to dream and fight for what he believes in," she whispered, her voice shaky and tearful. "Don't forget that, no matter what happens," the need to express her feelings was overwhelming, and she was glad that he was there to share these moments with her.

The two hugged for what felt like hours; they needed to feel the warmth of each other's company and to share a moment of solace amidst the chaos of their lives.

It was a small comfort, but it was one that they cherished deeply. Where there was darkness, they found light in each other.

Supporting and making one another's lives a little better, no matter how small, are worth something in the grand scheme of things. Like an anchor in the middle of a storm, they will always be one another's safe haven.

Out of nowhere, he felt a bump on his back as the loud thud of people falling on their buttocks and falling books echoed throughout the now less crowded sidewalk they were on.

Both of them quickly separated, turned, and looked towards the person who fell, revealing blond Angeloid with glasses in blue uniform as she looked down in surprise at her fall. Seemingly bewildered by her own mistake rather than outright hostile about it, she blinked a few times before looking up at them with curious eyes.

"Sorry," Sunny said with a sheepish grin, "it's our fault for standing on a public sidewalk. Are you alright, by the way?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice as he slightly lowered himself down with his right hand extending towards the android with a show of kindness and warmth.

Taking his hand, the angeloid pulled herself up. "I should be the one apologizing," she admitted, finding it her responsibility to not having clearly paid any attention to her surroundings. "I wasn't looking where I was going before I bumped into you," she said, her eyes darting between the two.

"Are you two acquaintances? You seem to have a strong bond," she observed, her curiosity piqued. "Probably boyfriends and girlfriends, perhaps?" The question caused the two of them to have a crimson-red blush on their cheeks, expressing their misplaced embarrassment and awkwardness over what she had asked.

"What?!" Lei quickly interjected, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "We're just...good siblings," she stammered, trying to deflect the question, not wanting to reveal their true nature to a stranger, especially her fellow sister no less. "What is it to you anyway?" Crossing her arms together, she then gave the girl a stern look.

Sunny let his hand drop, giving a small sigh. "Just friends," he said, his tone light, trying to ease the tension that was in the air. "Do you need help with your books? It's the least we can do to make up for the mishap," he offered, reaching out to pick up the scattered books and folders that were scattered about the floor.

Taken back by his request for aid, "you want to help me even though this is my fault?" She asked, a bit surprised. "Thank you," she said with a grateful smile. "I'm Kara, by the way," she introduced herself, extending her hand out in a friendly gesture while revealing her true name.

Kara?! He thought quickly before taking a step back in shock. His eyes widened as he took in a sharp breath. "Kara...?" He repeated, with a hint of disbelief in his voice, "That's your name, right?" He tried to confirm, his heart racing as the pieces began to click into place.

By far, this could be just coincidence after all; everyone has names and isn't far-fetched when dreams can sometimes accurately predict the future in strange ways that he himself has experienced. But to him, the sudden appearance of Kara at this very moment when he is about to leave his friends and family behind was a sign that he cannot ignore.

Lei, who watched his strange response, had a feeling of dread slowly creeping up her spine. "Sunny?" She asked, her voice barely audible, "Is something wrong?" She noticed the change in his demeanor, and it scared her. "Do you know her or anything?" Curious as to why he was acting this way, she gazed intently at the young man she called brother.

Dropping her extended hand to her side, Kara tilted her head in confusion from the way he reacted. "What's wrong? Is my name unpleasant to you?" Kara asked, her expression frowning, "I'm sorry if I've offended you in some way." She apologized, her voice filled with concern if she was bringing back bad memories.

"No, it's just..."

How can he ask her without sounding insane? He thought, his mind racing to come up with a plausible excuse that wouldn't alarm the girls in front of him, including Lei. "Do you know a name that goes by Celestial?" The mention of the entity's name made Angelo frown in surprise, having not expected such a question.

"Celestial? Yes, I have heard about her," she replied, tilting her head to the side. "I had strange vivid dreams about it wanting to help humans escape the Ark." With her memory jogging, her fingers went to her forehead as she gently massaged it.

"Strange, isn't it?" She asked, her curiosity piqued by the connection between the mysterious being and her own explanation of her dream.

Sunny's eyes widen a little more. "It's a long story, and I don't want to impose on or scare you," he said, a little hesitant to tell her about the entity and the calling of his freedom. "But I think we were fated to meet in this very spot, and it might be for a reason," he said, his voice soft and sincere as he took a step forward with intent to explain.

"Can you help me leave the Ark without getting into trouble?" He asked, his voice quivering a little, betraying the weight of his words in this strange turn of events.

Adjusting her glasses, Kara paused for a moment, considering the gravity of the situation before her. "I'll help you," she said, her eyes narrowing in determination.

"But you have a lot of explanation to do in order for me to understand why I must help you in leaving the Ark," she said, her voice resolute. "Including this celestial person who is repeatedly visiting in my sleep all the time," she added, her curiosity piqued by what she had gotten herself into.

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