Chapter 2

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As he opened the door ever so slowly, a mechanical hand suddenly flew straight to his face before mysteriously missing him by the side milliseconds later. Grinning sheepishly, Sunny stared right at the pair of identical-looking twins of androids standing close together where the blue-haired Lei playfully looked at him from behind her fellow sister.

"Did we scare you?" Mei and Lei asked in unison, teasing him once more, "Hey, what's with that look?" Lei moved over to her sister's side, sharing the same perplexed expression with her sister as the twins studied him closely.

Sunny gave them both puzzling looks, which left them wondering why he seemed worried by their actions earlier today. If anything, the two angeloids usually enjoy playing pranks on him whenever possible since it's a fun thing to do when boredom strikes.

Sweat poured down all over his face, adjusting his glasses before speaking, "You two won't freak out if I show you something upsetting, won't you?" He questioned, speaking of another topic not related to what just happened, "Just please don't tell my dad or else he'll kill me," gulping nervously at the very idea of facing his parent's wrath again.

The twins looked at one another in pure confusion, not understanding what he was referring to. "Hm? How could us telling your father affect our relationship?" Asked Mei, tilting her head slightly towards him, "Is it seriously that bad your father would be mad at you because of whatever silly reason you give us?" She wondered, scratching her chin in contemplation.

Leaning against each other, the sisters exchanged curious gazes between themselves until finally coming to the conclusion, "Were you hiding a porn stash from somewhere?" They said it in unison, having believed the twins got a 100% correct answer, which made Sunny blush at the statement of being teased like that in the slightest.

"Wait a minute." Red like saucers, his face was anything but normal color as he struggled to explain himself without giving too many details. "That wasn't what I mean!" Moving a little backwards without being careful, he almost would fall if it weren't for his hands holding onto the wall next to him. "Listen to me; I am just going to tell you about—"

Mei and Lei's eyes widened when they saw what was behind him all along. "Are those..." Their shocked faces turned pale white, seeing the enormous piles of dirty clothing scattered across the ground near the entrance to his bedroom door. "Sunny," the android's eyes became firm. "Why didn't you told us about having not cleaned your room?" Both women demanded sternly, crossing arms underneath the breast area.

There was no other way out of this, was there? Sunny sighed, accepting his defeat. "Alright, you two won," he said, averting his eyes in shame as he began to spill the beans. "My, he wants me to clean and fold my clothes by myself without any help, you know, the part of growing up to be a responsible adult, but..." Truthfully, he forgot that part, as he was too lazy to even do something as simple as cleaning his own mess.

Trying to hide his guiltiness, he continued explaining himself, "So yeah, umm.. sorry guys.. I forgot about that rule, and uh, that's pretty much the whole story," admitting his fault entirely. Noticing the twin's expressions soften somewhat, he smiled weakly, hoping that maybe they might understand his position better than anyone else does. After all, they practically raised him during his childhood years due to their caretaker role.

"So that's why..." Mei trailed off quietly, biting her lip gently as she tried to process the information given to her. "And here we thought you were trying to pull a fast one on us," she admitted, laughing lightly at herself for assuming wrong. Turning to her sister, she nudged her softly and asked, "What about you, sis? Should we tell his father about this?"

Lei turned over to him, watching his entire face sweat like bullets as she hummed with uncertainty, "Hmm... perhaps we shouldn't say anything unless he asks directly about it first," deciding not to rat him out despite knowing fully well of his intentions, "Tell you what, why don't you help us clean your mess?" A fair alternative, considering the circumstances of the situation, presented itself.


Her sister quickly hushed him with a finger over her own lips, "Shush! No butts or excuses! While we are assigned to be your caretakers, it doesn't imply we were meant to pick up after you either." Her words rang clearer than bells ringing inside the church tower as she pointed firmly at him. Mei is perhaps more strict than Lei by a long shot.

Sunny sighed, not knowing how to put this nicely enough without hurting the feelings of these lovely ladies, especially hearing such harsh criticism directed towards him instead of receiving praise for helping out. Regardless, they were right about it, and doing nothing would make him look and sound more rude than any bully in the world.

"Alright fine," nodding reluctantly, he agreed to follow through with the request given to him, "but only because you promised not to mention anything to my paps," offering a friendly smile as a gesture of goodwill. "Deal?" Sunny said, waiting patiently for a response.

Both androids then nodded simultaneously, showing signs of relief upon reaching agreement among the parties involved. With a deal struck between human and artificial intelligence beings, they began working immediately, picking up pieces of clothing strewn all over the place into neat piles according to type, respectively. While

Taking one of his messy pants, he sat down on the edge of his bed as he began to work. However, the problem lies when he starts to fold his pants, and that is that he has no clue what he is doing in the first place. "crap..." Muttering quietly under his breath, he stared down at it on his lap with no clue of how to even start folding it correctly.

Carefully lifting his head slightly, his eyes locked onto Mei and Lei, who tirelessly worked hard to keep everything orderly, their hands moving swiftly as they picked up items from the floor effortlessly.
Each movement is precise and graceful, making sure every piece goes exactly where it belongs. And within minutes, they finished sorting out most of the clutter, leaving only him staring dumbfounded at them.

How did they do that? He wondered. Sunny is not a stupid guy and has never been known for lacking common sense abilities, unlike some people believe otherwise. Nevertheless, it is not a strange sight to behold someone capable of performing tasks faster than the average man. Then again, aren't they supposed to perform duties efficiently compared to humans anyway? So yes, it makes total, perfect sense.

Although he couldn't think anymore when their cold eyes are now staring right back at him, watching the poor young man struggle with the difficulty of folding his pants. His fingers were fumbling awkwardly, causing fabric to bunch up uncomfortably beneath the palm surface, resulting in frustration building rapidly within seconds, leading to a to a panic attack soon afterwards. At least that was what seemed to appear on his end.

Glancing up at them once in a while, he never felt embarrassed by how much he was struggling. Even a kid in middle school can do something, but someone like him in his twenties? Come on, this is getting ridiculous at this point. But for someone who barely has to work for anything, let alone do chores, it's a fair assumption that he is the way he is.

"Come on, come on..." Sunny quietly urged himself to continue, grunting loudly as he kept failing miserably after so many failed attempts. "You have to try," he told himself reassuringly, feeling discouraged already. This isn't an easy job, indeed. Maybe he needs extra practice to get used to it. That sounds reasonable.

He tried and tried so many times, but eventually, one of them had the courage to speak up. "Let's help you," Lei said as she and her sister sat on opposite sides of him. "Now what is the first thing you should do when you start folding pants?" Both asked in unison, awaiting his reply. Forcing himself to concentrate harder than usual, he took a deep breath before answering carefully.

"You fold it?" Stupid! How idiotic and stupid must he be to ask a question like that?

Lei giggled softly while Mei could only frown at the answer: "No, what is the first thing you need to check before beginning the process?" The latter repeated it impatiently. Sighing heavily, Sunny ran fingers through his hair, thinking deeply, trying his damn hardest to properly answer this time around without sounding like a complete moron or buffoon.

Think, Sunny! This must be the simplest thing anyone can do, but a guy like himself can't grasp the basic concepts needed to accomplish the goal set forth. It's quite sad, really. In fact, he feels ashamed of himself for asking such obvious questions that everyone knows, including children younger than him. What kind of grown-up male cannot even fold his own pants?!

Hopeless is truly and utterly pathetic at this point. He should feel ashamed of himself. "I...I don't know," he looked down, eyes almost full of water as he could just show a look of despair in having fully given up on even trying. "I'm sorry." Tears rolled down cheeks slowly forming droplets landing onto knees below of how much a loser he is.

A gentle hand touched his shoulder tenderly, pulling away tears running freely down his cheekbones. When he opened his eyes, both girls smiled warmly at him, encouragingly. "It's okay, you will learn someday," comforted Mei, wiping away remaining drops falling from eye sockets. "Here, allow us to teach you the proper method step-by-step starting now." Offering helpful advice to guide the young man in the right direction.

He watched as the pair demonstrated technique flawlessly together, seamlessly executing routines without error, proving furthermore why angeloids are superior to humans in both physical and intelligence terms. Once done successfully, they handed the item back to him, allowing him the him the opportunity to copy the exact procedure shown earlier.

Taking a second chance offered generously by the duo, Sunny attempted to mimic actions performed moments ago using skills taught previously instructed accordingly, following instructions precisely, taking great care to ensure accuracy, and trying his very best to avoid mistakes committed prior to this to this instance. As the possible outcome came closer, realization dawned upon him when he successfully folded it.

"Good job!" The two cheered enthusiastically, applauding proud achievements accomplished thus far, though there was still a lot left to explore. They were nonetheless proud of what he accomplished. "See? It wasn't so difficult." Their voices sounded joyous, filled with happiness and pride, like proud older siblings seeing how much progress the child had made since last session.

Closing his eyes briefly, he smiled sadly at this action: "You two were real help today, but I don't want to sound like some jerk saying thanks because, honestly speaking, I never could understand why angeloids are so superior in every way imaginable that I can't help myself in seeing them if they were the embodiment of complete perfection in what the world has to show," confessing truthfully about his view regarding robots being created.

Their smiling faces faded after hearing that, "Superior?" Mei questioned seriously, "Why do you say that?" She asked, finding it a bit curious that a statement was made against themselves. Is there a reason behind those statements coming forward? If so, what prompted the boy to utter such things aloud rather than keep silent about his thoughts to himself?

"Well," he begins without stopping, "you guys don't age or feel hungry, thirsty, tired, sick, suffering from sickness, pain and etcetera, which means none of you are ever going to die anytime soon, whereas us normal humans live our days limited by certain factors, whether genetics play a huge factor contributing to life span duration based on biological makeup," admitting this weakness mankind has known for.

The sisters then laughed, catching him off guard by this action. "What's so funny?" He said this, bewildered by the sudden change of mood. He wasn't expecting laughter from a serious discussion involving the death topic. How odd indeed! Are they mocking him somehow? Or is he missing something important? Whatever it may be, he wants answers.

"Nothing silly!" The twins said in unison, "Have you forgotten who made us? Your species! And you know what makes humans so interesting compared to us?" They continued questioning curiously, watching his expression turn puzzling as he tried to figure out the correct responses before Lei answered his query, "Humanity and even animals have the strong persistence to adapt and continue living no matter how many obstacles are thrown at them, for it is a reason why your species still exists to do this!"

She had a point. Sunny smiled at this notion of hopefulness found within humanity regardless of difficulties faced along a pathway called 'life'. There might always be another day tomorrow, bringing new challenges yet unknown until the moment arrives, revealing secrets hidden underneath layers of obscurity shrouded in mystery surrounding existence itself.

Laughing softly at this
revelation brought forth, he thanked the android women sincerely for teaching the valuable lesson learned here today: "Yeah, we can be pretty awesome at times," smiling sheepishly at them.

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