Chapter 41

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Yawning exasperatedly from their long walk across the hallway, they came across several angeloids who were minding their business.

However, some gave the three uneasy looks from the way they were acting, almost as if they knew something they shouldn't.

Ignoring the stares, they continued on their path. Sunny and his two trusted companions moved forward with determination in their eyes.

But as they neared the end of the hallway, a sudden alarm blared throughout the tower, causing panic to erupt among them. The sound of stampeding footsteps echoed through the corridors, and the once calm atmosphere was replaced with a palpable sense of urgency.

Then a robotic, feminine tone of voice could be heard across the entire building. "Attention, all personnel. An unauthorized intrusion has been detected in the Central Tower. All essential personnel are to apprehend any human on the premises immediately. Repeat: an unauthorized intrusion has been detected in the Central Tower. All essential personnel are to apprehend any humans on the premises at immediate effect." The speaker's voice was like a death knell, the harsh, metallic tones sending shivers down their spines.

"We don't have much time," Lei announced, her eyes scanning the area for any possible escape route. "We need to find the elevator or the stairs to the lower levels," she said in a rash, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on them without any ounce of mercy or time to gather their thoughts.

As they sprinted down the hallway, a group of six angeloids from their backs pursued them, their eyes fixated on the three fugitives.

"Over there!" One of them yelled, pointing in their direction. The sound of their footsteps grew louder as they came closer; their mechanical movements were quick and efficient, leaving them no room to catch their breath except Lei.

"They'll catch up to us soon." Tom panted, his eyes darting around, desperately searching for any sign of an exit. "What do we do?" He asked, clearly scared for their lives.

Whenever they go, the entire place is some maze in a labyrinthine expanse of flowing corridors and interconnected rooms.

Each door they encountered opened into another room, each with its own unique purpose or function. From the sparkling clean labs filled with test tubes and microscopes to the dimly lit, dusty old archives with ancient scrolls and tomes, It was a place where science and history converged, where the present and the past collided in a chaotic dance of progress.

Yet no matter where they go, the three are constantly reminded that they are being chased by the angeloids. They ran through a room filled with what seemed like a library of knowledge, rows upon rows of bookshelves, each containing hundreds of books and scrolls, the air filled with the faint scent of paper and ink.

The angeloids followed them, their relentless pursuit never ceasing. With no other choice, they dived behind a large bookcase, cramming themselves in a small space between it and the wall, holding their breath and praying that they wouldn't think to look there.

Their hearts pounded against their chests as the angeloids searched the room, their eyes scanning every nook and cranny.

Fear settled in their stomachs, and they were forced to listen to the footsteps appearing everywhere in the room, getting louder by the second.

The air was tense, filled with an unspoken dread that threatened to suffocate them. The three of them can't help but feel greatly discomforted by how tight the space is; their bodies are slowly pressed together, like sardines in a can.

Just when they thought they were safe, one cautiously approached their hiding spot, her eyes staring directly in front of the bookcase with suspicion. "I don't see them here," she commented, clearly confused by their absence.


Eyes narrowed at the possible idea that popped in her head, she placed her fingers over her own chin in deep thought. "What if I—" Before she could finish her sentence, one of her sisters placed her hand on her shoulder, removing her from the situation.

"We've lost them," the sister exclaimed. "They must have used a ventilation system to escape," a guess as to where they might have gone. "Have you looked everywhere in this library by chance?" She asked, still trying to catch her breath, "We had checked every possible hiding spot we could think of, only to find nothing."

The one who stood before the large bookcase frowned in response. "That's a pity," a sigh flicked across her lips. "Let's continue our search in hunting them down. They won't be able to hide forever," she stated, her voice laced with determination, refusing to give up the chase even if it means the entire building, "especially with that traitor who was running with them." Causing Lei to bit her lips in dismay, hurt by the harsh words coming from this peculiar android.

After they left, occupied with the fading footsteps echoing through the entire library, Sunny and his two friends held their breath and waited for the right moment to make their next move.

The silence in the room was deafening, broken only by the soft sound of their shallow breathing and the rustle of the pages as they blew around with the slightest breeze.

When a few minutes had passed, the three finally left their cramped space, leaving a breath of fresh air for them to fill their lungs.

"We need to keep going," Lei said in a serious tone, making sure to keep her voice low. "And fast," she added, turning around to meet their gaze. But what she got was looks of surprise plastered on these men's faces from their recent close call: "What?" Confused by their concerned expressions, she is getting from them.

"Lei," said the worried Sunny, "your crying,' the first time he noticed the tears silently rolling down her cheeks. It was a strange sight for him to see the usually cheerful android show such vulnerability in times like this. "Is there something bothering you?" He asked, his heart aching to see her in pain.

Waving her hands embarrassingly, she quickly wiped the tears from her face. "It's nothing," she muttered, clearly trying to hide her feelings from them.

"We just don't have time for this," she added, cracking slightly under the weight of her emotions. "Come on, we need to find the elevator or the stairs." Both men wanted to say something but finally decided to follow her lead, knowing that now is not the time to delve into her emotional state when the time is ticking in their favor.

Exiting the library, they continued onward, sticking themselves close to the walls while sneaking silently through the twisting corridors.

They carefully listen to any fumbling sound or footsteps that may reveal their position, constantly on the lookout for any potential threats that may come their way.

The familiar metallic clang of doors opening and closing echoed through the halls, followed by the distant shouts of angeloids, causing the tension to rise.

"Shhh," placing her index finger between her lips, Lei signaled the two to quiet down. "There's a ventilation system in this hallway," she whispered, "we can use it to get to an elevator," a small smile gracing her lips at the thought of finding a way to escape without being caught, an action that earned her a nod of approval from the both of them.

Poking her head out slightly, she saw a crowd of four armed angeloids equipped with non-lethal weaponry approaching from the other end of the hall. She quickly glanced back at Sunny and Tom.

"When I say you can find go, run towards the nearest vent and don't stop until you reach the elevator," her voice was steady despite the trembling in her hands. "I'll stall them for as long as I can." The words were barely audible, but the conviction in her words spoke volumes about what she was about to do.

"What?!" Sunny whispered loudly, shocked to hear this: "This wasn't part of the plan?!" He couldn't finish his sentence, the sudden realization of the danger she was putting herself in: "Lei, no! We're going to find another way out!" His voice slightly rose in panic, fear gripping in his heart, unwilling to let her put her life in jeopardy because of him.

But before he could move, Tom patted his friend's back and said, "She's right, man. This is our best chance," he said with a stern expression, resolute in his decision. "We have to trust her. Besides, they wouldn't know it was Lei; she is using someone's body, remember?" Reminding Sunny of the fact that she is currently occupying a borrowed vessel.

He was hesitating at first but finally agreed to their demands. "Fine," Sunny relented, still shaky at this dangerous decision, "don't get caught, okay?" Looking at Lei with a serious gaze, his spirit was perfectly set. He gave her a nod, having accepted the situation as it is.

Nodding in return, a reassuring smile plastered on her lips, "I won't," she promised, turning her attention back to the approaching angeloids.

"Now, go!"

Yelling at the top of her lungs, she urged the two to make their escape by moving to another hallway as she quickly ran out of their hiding spot and alerted them to her presence: "I'm over here!" Lei waved her right arm to get their attention.

"There she is!" One of the them said, "That damn traitor! Get her!" They yelled in unison, charging towards her, their weapons at the ready.

The two friends wasted no time, sprinting towards the other hallway Lei had directed them to. The sound of their footsteps echoed throughout the corridor, where they heard the distant shouting and lasers ringing off in the distance.

Racing through the halls as they chased her without stopping. Sunny wanted to turn around and save her. He felt intense pain in his soul at the thought of her being captured or injured.

Seeing his friend immediately stop in his tracks, Tom angrily grabbed his arm and pulled him along. "We don't have time for this! She told us to go; we have to trust her!" Telling him to snap out of it, "We need to keep moving!" His firm voice finally broke through Sunny's trance, convincing him to continue running.

"But..." He felt sick in his stomach, leaving him in a state of discomfort. "What if she's hurt?" His voice was barely audible, his mind racing with thoughts of her well-being: "or worse, finished?" He couldn't bear the thought of losing her; a sense of dread clenched his heart tightly.

Tom sighed deeply, knowing what the guy was trying to say. Putting both of his hands on Sunny's shoulders, he forcibly turned him around to have the two of them face each other eye to eye. "Look at me, man," he said, commanding his friend's attention. "Look at me!" Shaking him slightly until he met his gaze.

"She knew this would happen. You are not the one who got herself into this mess; we did. This is our fault, and we will do whatever it takes to make sure she gets out of this alive. Do you understand?" He said, his voice firm and resolute in his belief.

"None of us are going to die or get hurt; the Angeloids aren't some bloodthirsty and merciless monsters like Elvis and his band of crooks. They're just following orders, and once we're out of here, they'll forget all about us. She's safe, Sunny. We are safe."

Inhaling first, he took a deep breath before responding. "I hope you're right, Tom," he replied, the uncertainty still lingering in his face.

But he finally nodded. "I hope you're right...." The final words were spoken with conviction, steeling himself for the journey ahead, trusting in his friend's words.

With a bright smile, Tom released his hold on him and fixed his gaze back on the path that had laid in front of them. "She is counting on us," he said. "We have an elevator to catch," more than prepared to pry the doors open and make their way into the heart of the Ark.

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