Chapter 30

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It was a long and difficult process for the both of them, especially when there were humans involved, as Sunny had a hard time maintaining his composure as he silently cursed under his breath at the misplacement of certain volumes.

The task was not only physically exhausting but also mentally draining, having to focus on the order of the books while trying to remain inconspicuous in such a public place, or else he might get unwanted attention that he himself doesn't want to take part in from speaking with the patrons of this place.

As many might believe, he is the librarian of this building, which in truth he is not. His only reason for helping Kara is because it's the right thing to do and to aid her in the process of getting him out of the Ark.

Although fate seemed to be on his side once again when no one dared to approach him for help or guidance, The reassuring thought that he doesn't have to deal with people's problems at the moment is an important reminder of his secret mission to get the hell out of this city.

While time passed and eventually they finished aiding the last of the books Kara was carrying, Sunny let out a long breath from his lips, a mixture of relief and exhaustion evident in his expression.

He turned and looked at the proud librarian of this place; her confident grin and thumbs up in their direction were all the appreciation that they needed to feel accomplished through their hard work.

"Good job, guys!" She said, beaming a bright smile as she crossed her arms together, "I knew both of you could do it," she added, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Now, let's head to the back section of the building where the rare books are located," she instructed, her voice filled with excitement. "There are still a lot of things to do before we—"

"Hold it!"

Standing beside him, Lei quickly raised her open palm in stopping movement, her firm face staring directly at the angeloid. "We didn't come here to be your permanent librarians. We have a mission to complete, and I hope you haven't forgotten about that already," she said, her tone strong and resolute, showing no fear or hesitation in her stance.

Kara laughed chirpily in response, expressing a level of embarrassment as she spoke. "I suppose you're right, I got a little too carried away with my role; it's just that it's hard to resist the charm of knowledge and the vastness of the emporium," she explained, her smile slowly fading.

"Anyways, I'm going to lead you two somewhere safe from prying eyes," the librarian switched guides once more, ushering them through the place, "and keep quiet when we walk; don't say any word until we reach there, got it?"

The two nodded, their eyes scanning the surroundings warily, always alert and ready to move at a moment's notice.

"Good, follow me."

Leading them through the maze of shelves and aisles alike, Kara expertly navigated the labyrinth with her accompanying companions following suit from behind as they made their way to the rear of the building. The noise of the main lobby faded as they ventured further into the depths of the edifice.

A hushed silence permeated the atmosphere, a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the public area. As they moved deeper, the architecture of the structure shifted from the grand to the intimate.

The walls closed in slightly, the ceilings lowered, and the aisles narrowed, creating a sense of intimacy and privacy that was absent in the rest of the emporium. The ambient light dimmed, casting a warm, inviting glow over the rows of books. The air was thick with the scent of old leather and parchment, a potent reminder of the centuries of knowledge contained within the pages.

But as they continued onward, their once-recognizable surroundings started to transform, giving way to a hidden world that was previously unseen.

Like a wave of an invisible wand, the very essence of the place seemed to shift and metamorphose before their eyes. Shelves that had once housed countless tomes of literature now vanished, transmuting into smooth, featureless walls that blended seamlessly with the floor and ceiling.

The hushed whispers of the patrons and the melodious echo of their footsteps were replaced by an oppressive silence, broken only by the faint hum of machinery buried deep within the walls.

Around them were no longer the familiar aisles of literature, but instead a myriad of technological apparatuses and a plethora of scientific equipment. Its once-inviting bookshelves morphed into sleek metal cabinets filled with data chips, holographic displays, and other futuristic techno-gadgets.

The air was heavy with the scent of burned electronics and the cold whir of machinery. Metal tables and chairs replaced the wooden ones of the library, their surfaces littered with scrolls of blueprints, circuit diagrams, and cryptic formulas.

In the center of the room, a large, glowing holographic screen flickered with symbols and numbers, the pulsating heart of the transformation, command center of sorts.

Here, it reveals everything about how everything operates and the entire map of the city. Sunny blinked from this insanity with an expression a mix of awe and fear. They had stepped into a different world entirely, one that was hidden from the prying eyes of the patrons.

Glancing over his right shoulder instinctively, he witnessed an endless hallway leading nowhere but to an empty void from the corner of his eye.

His heart skipped a beat before coming back to its regular rhythm, unable to help but question this impossibility: "How and what had just happened?" He asked, bewildered by this interesting phenomenon that transpired before their own eyes, "Why did our surroundings morph like that?" Many questions raced through his mind like a floodgate opening up.

Lei wanted to open her mouth just to explain everything from the start. But she kept her lips shut instead, seeing that it was better for their supposed friend to tell him as the Angeloid seemed to be more knowledgeable about this place than her.

Making it fair for Sunny to learn something from someone else without having herself or Mei always be his guide in such crucial moments as this. It's better for a teacher to let the student learn from different people once in a while.

"Simple," Kara says without looking back, her voice filled with a knowing smile, "spatial manipulation." The answer was given casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Turning around, she was met with displeased Lei and confused Sunny, who still had no idea what she was saying. "You two do know what spatial manipulation is?"

She asked, tilting her head to the side as she studied their expressions before saying, "It's a power that allows me to alter the physical environment," spreading her arms wide, indicating the room around them, "to create new spaces or modify existing ones. In this case, we moved a specific pattern that resulted in us being sent into here."

Sunny, however, became dumbfounded by the revelation: "You mean, we just walked through a hidden door or something?" He pointed out in what she is trying to say, "like we have moved from place to place in the aisles that resulted in us being transported here?" His question became an answer after Kara sighed in relief from his understanding of the situation.

"Yes, that's the way to put it," she confirmed, nodding in agreement, "but the process is more complicated than that. It's a complex system of interconnected dimensions, overlapping realities, and quantum leaps with the use of our created technology geared towards spatial manipulation," she explained, her eyes sparkling with a combination of fascination and pride.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overwhelm you with my silly ramblings, but if you want a long breakdown of how it's possible, then I can explain it to you," she added, giving him an encouraging smile.

On the other hand, Lei frowned in her own exhaustion. "We get it; what is more important is how we can make Sunny escape the Ark undetected," she interjected.

"So please, Sister Kara, let's just focus on that. We have a mission to complete and not much time to spare," she reminded her, a hint of impatience creeping into her tone of voice.

Kara nodded in respect of her fellow Angeloid's urgency, "fine, fine," sighing in defeat as she adjusted her glasses with a small smile, "let's continue." Turning around, she walked towards the holographic screen with flickering numbers and symbols that dominated the entire screen.

"This," she motioned to the glowing display, "is the map of the Ark in all of its glory." Mentally connecting to the hologram, they watched as it switched from a cold, impersonal array of data to a vibrant, three-dimensional representation of the city. Zooming out, it revealed the sections and rooms of every existing building.

"What the hell is this?" Sunny was shocked by this action: "They even have people's rooms showing on the map!" He exclaimed, pointing to a specific location that seems to show a bedroom area, "How the hell can they legally do that? That's an invasion of privacy!" He was lost for words, not finding the reason why the angeloids would allow such a thing to happen. "Isn't this a bit too much?"

She sighed, finding his naviety all the more endearing. "Sunny, as you might've noticed, the Ark is never a true utopia, and our methods are questionable at best. The inhabitants trade their right to privacy for the illusion of safety and security"

"The map is a necessary evil, a tool to manage the city and its resources efficiently." Closing her eyes briefly, Kara opened them with a look of coldness in the truth she was about to spill: "Singularity sees and knows all; she is everywhere and everything that is made of this floating vessel."

Dread filled the pit of his stomach as he processed her words: "So you knew from the start, didn't you?" He looked over to Lei, showing his disappointment in hiding the truth but wanting to understand behind it all the same: "You both had known the entire time and still didn't tell me!" He accused, his voice cracking with shock, "Why? Why keep me in the dark?"

"We can''t," Lei answered immediately, her voice replaced by a tone of sad understanding. "Haven't I told you that is against our protocols?" Then it clicked on Sunny like a lightning bolt, finally understanding the reason why she was so adamant about not telling him the truth.

Not only had he remembered she is programmed by their creator to be restricted in giving out secrets, but the possibility in able to do anything within their immortal lives, which includes her memories.

He felt sick of this realization: the memories they had spent time together and laughed like giggling idiots can be altered or removed in whim by Singularity. How hadn't he forgotten that the most important thing about a person is their memory in itself?

"Oh god," Sunny wanted to puke; he could feel his stomach churning as the reality of the situation sunk in. "Would Singularity do something like change the identity of Angeloid?"

Eyes widen in horror when he is met with silence. "You're not saying that." He stuttered, his voice trembling. "Shit, if I leave, they could've..." Lei might suffer the consequences after he escapes the Ark; they will soon know she is an accomplice, and it breaks his heart to think of the possibility of doing so.

"I don't know what will happen to you and Mei." Head down in disbelief, he was about to break down from the weight of this newfound knowledge.

A sudden, firm hand gripped his shoulder. "Sunny, this is for your sake, remember?" Lei reminded him, her voice strong and resolute, "If escaping the Ark makes you happy, then I will do it. It is your perseverance in finding the true path that will lead you out of the darkness and into the light. But you must promise me one more thing," she paused, searching his face for any signs of doubt or fear.

"If they do remove our memories or alter them, always tell yourself that you have been loved and always will be loved in return. You and my sister, along with everyone else who holds dear to your heart, have shared countless memories that no one can take away from you," she assured, tears welling up in her eyes.

Hugging her, he whispered, "I promise," his own eyes brimming with tears, "to never forget all of you."

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