Chapter 10

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After dealing with the aftermath of the incident, Sunny and Tom found themselves walking through the late morning day of the city as the two spoke together while on the calm, peaceful streets of the Ark. Their conversations ranged from Tom's job as a waiter to Sunny's mysterious origins.

Both enjoyed the fresh, clean air, which was crisp yet warm, a stark contrast to the claustrophobic alleyway they were previously in. Suffice it to say, it is the perfect time of the year to get to know each other and probably make friends while doing so. It is the least either can do to one another since he saved this young man's life.

As they continued their walk, the sun began to set behind the horizon, casting a golden glow across the cityscape. The orange sky slowly transformed into a darkened hue of purple, signaling the transition from day to night. The air became cooler, chilling their skin slightly but refreshingly after the hot day.

The distant sound of sirens echoed through the air, a reminder that despite the calm atmosphere, danger still lurked within the shadows. For all the safety the angeloids preach about, there is always a hidden psycho willing to strike them for no reason just because they can. Human beings are always rebellious, after all.

"So you don't believe in your Esper abilities?" Tom asked, curiosity piqued as he glanced sideways at him, who had been quiet for some time, deep in thought about what had transpired earlier. "It's fine, man. There is no need to rush yourself. Everyone takes time to discover their calling," he continued, his voice filled with reassurance and understanding.

"You'll get there eventually. I just hope that when you do, you'll use it for good like what you had earlier," she said, smiling at him. "I truly believe you have the potential to be a great hero," a sentence that came out of his mouth without much thought, causing Sunny to blink twice, taken aback by his words.

Hero? Sunny thought, feeling conflicted about what he was called, "Well, I..." There is no mistake that what he did by saving a defenseless person from evil people was a heroic thing to do, but what he did was out of altruistic actions and because he felt like doing it. So in a way, he didn't want to be labeled as 'hero', yet he couldn't deny the fact that he had saved someone's life.

"Am I really a hero, Tom?" Stopping himself from further musing, he shook his head in disbelief as he stood on his ground, turning to the young man with an expression that showed uncertainty but also resolute determination in his eyes: "I only did what anyone else would have done in my shoes."

Tom looked at him from head to toe, judging him with his eyes. "No," he said firmly, shaking his head from side to side, "you're more than that. You're a true hero, Sunny. And you'll always be that to me," he finished, his voice filled with conviction and sincerity, "because not everyone has the courage to face darkness head-on." The words hung in the air like a fragrant, sweet incense, laced with a hint of melancholy.

The entire scene was silent, save for the passing of time and moving vehicles on the road. Neither back down
their own respective beliefs, but both understood each other's perspective.

Laughing suddenly, Sunny smiled warmly at Tom, his long lashes casting shadows over his bright eyes as he reached out to adjust his glasses. "I'm not a superhero, you know," he said playfully, his voice rich with humor. "But if I were, I'd choose something more practical than announcing myself to those thugs," he added, crossing his arms together in a relaxed manner that belied his inner turmoil while the sun glinted off the lenses of his glasses, creating shadow reflections that appeared upon the ground below them.

"Then what do you consider yourself as?" Tom asked, his eyebrows raised in curiosity, "A savior? A vigilante? Or just a guy who happened to be in the right place at the right time?"

The world around them seemed to pause for a moment, the bustling cityscape melting into a silent symphony of stillness as every creature and object held their breath in anticipation of Sunny's next move. Even the wind ceased its gentle whispers, granting them a fleeting moment of silence to reflect on his mortality and the fragility of life itself.

Sunny looked down for a moment, briefly contemplating the weight of his recent actions. He had always been a man of few words, choosing instead to listen more than speak. But now, he felt compelled to voice his thoughts to someone who might understand his inner turmoil—someone who wants to help—which was his only response to a difficult question he himself couldn't answer properly. It isn't like he had time to think about such things before, after all. He is a simple-minded guy in the end.

Although it won't hurt to try to find his true answer, Sunny thought to himself, "That is all to it." Simplicity in its purest form, he added, a slight smile forming at the corner of his lips. "What about you? What do you consider yourself as?"

He returned the question back to Tom, curious to know more about this young man who saved him in his time of need. "You don't have to lie if you're a secret government agent or something," he humored, chuckling softly at his own joke, hoping to lighten up the mood a bit.

However, sadness was all that showed on Tom's face. "A coward," he answered coldly, clenching his fists tightly in shame. "That's what I am," his head lowered, unable to face Sunny's gaze. He felt ashamed of himself for having thought that he could even have a chance of defending himself against Elvis and his crooked gang. It turns out he got beat up and was later saved by a kind stranger. That sense of pride had shattered when reality hit him hard in the face.

Sunny felt a pang of sympathy for him, placing his hand gently on his shoulder in a comforting gesture. "It's never your fault," he said reassuringly. "We all have our own battles to fight in this life. It doesn't make you a coward for seeking help when you needed it," wisdom beyond his years showed through his eyes as he stared at Tom with a compassionate gaze, "chin up and remember that tomorrow is a new day," giving him a warm smile to ease his troubled heart.

Then Tom lunged forward with an embrace, shocking him from the turn of events. "Dammit! Your too good to be true," tears fell freely from his eyes as he buried his face into Sunny's chest, the warmth of his body providing a comfort that he hadn't felt in ages. "To have someone like you in this world...perhaps there is hope." Retreating from the hug, he looked up, his eyes red and swollen but also filled with gratitude and admiration.

"Let's be friends, Sunny," he said hoarsely, wiping away his tears with his sleeve. "I want to be your friend," he repeated, his voice cracking with emotion.

Sunny widens his eyes at this. Friend? He thought, never having imagined to land himself in this situation, "You want to friend?" His cautious tone was evident in his voice, but he couldn't help but feel touched by the sincerity in the waiter's eyes. "I...sure, alright," at last he agreed, hesitantly, of course, as he had never had friends in his entire life.

Only close acquaintances and people who only knew him for his talents. But with this person in front of him, he himself felt different somehow. I like seeing someone who can be trusted.

"Cool." smiling joyfully, Tom took out his smartphone and then asked his newfound friend for his contact number: "What's your phone number so we can meet up again sometime?" The excitement in his voice was infectious, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as he eagerly awaited Sunny's response.

Gulping nervously, Sunny hesitated before reluctantly giving him his real number that he had never used for these kinds of situations. "Fine," he sighed heavily as he mentally prepared himself for the inevitable consequences that might follow their encounter.

"But don't expect me to be around all the time," he added quickly, trying to set his own boundaries due to preferring being alone at times. He is still a private person, even to this day. Hopefully, Tom can understand that.

As the two exchanged their numbers, Tom bowed politely, "I'll be seeing you later then!" Turning around, he sped off into the distance, leaving a trail of glittering dust particles behind him before vanishing from sight. Leaving Sunny all by himself.


Waving awkwardly to the disappearing figure, Sunny sighed deeply, his own eyes shutting slowly. Feeling extremely exhausted from the adrenaline rush and the emotional roller coaster he had just experienced. He slowly walked back home alone, trying to piece together the events of the night that had left him feeling slightly disoriented but also strangely exhilarated.

Just having a meaningful conversation with another human being who genuinely cared about him had made him feel strangely alive.

For Sunny, being alone was a familiar territory. He had spent his entire life avoiding connections with others, fearful of experiencing the heartbreak that came with it. But tonight, something had shifted within him. Perhaps it was the near-death experience, or maybe it was simply meeting someone like Tom who saw beyond his gruff exterior to see a normal person beneath the mask he had carefully constructed over the years.

Whatever it may be, Sunny couldn't shake off the feeling that things were changing for him—and not necessarily in a bad way.

As he walked through the dimly lit streets, the sounds of the city melded together into a symphony that resonated with his soul. The cool breeze caressed his face, bringing with it the scent of rain that hung heavy in the air. Sunny closed his eyes momentarily, savoring the sensation of freedom that washed over him like a wave of relief.

And in that fleeting instant, amidst the chaos and uncertainty of his life, Sunny felt a sense of peace. A quiet acceptance that perhaps, sometimes, the most unexpected moments in life could lead to the most extraordinary outcomes.

Like meeting a stranger who would become more than just an acquaintance, but a friend who would forever change his perspective on what it means to be human. It's a wonderful feeling to know that you are not alone in this world, no matter how lonely it may seem sometimes.

In the end, Sunny's long-awaited journey had led him to discover something far greater than any power or ability he had ever possessed. It was the power of friendship, love, and connection that truly made something worth fighting for. For as long as there are people like Tom in this world who are willing to set aside their judgmental feelings and accept someone despite their differences,

Unlike the life he once had when the customers and his coworkers treated him poorly because he was different from them for whatever reason, Its a comforting thought to have someone who sees beyond the surface and sees the good in him that he himself had forgotten existed.

"It took centuries to find someone who isn't a rude bastard," chuckling softly to himself from this revelation. Suddenly, a firm, tight hand held him in place as he felt the strong grip touching his right shoulder. "Oh crap," sweat and icy coldness trickled down his spine when he realized what he had forgotten about.

Slowly, he turned around with a forced smile. Coming face-to-face with great anger, Mei and Lei stood side by side with their expressions icy cold, arms crossed under their breasts in a pose of intimidation. "Where do you think you're going?" They said it in unison, their voices dripping with venomous spite.

Just by the way they carried themselves, he knew how long the twins had been following him since he left campus. "Uh, err, I...just went out for a walk," he stammered, trying to regain his composure as he attempted to cover up his guilty conscience from the obvious lie he had just told them.

Sunny swallowed hard, his heart racing in his chest as he tried to think of a way out of this predicament. He knew this day would come eventually, but he hadn't expected it to happen so soon after everything else that had transpired.

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