Liminal Squirrel
Liminal Squirrels are best known for their rainbow-hued portal marked fur and their portal-hopping capabilities. Many cultures consider a liminal squirrel sighting a sign of good fortune to come.
Basic Information
Liminal Squirrels possess two pairs of limbs ending in four-toed paws, as well as a bushy tail useful for balance and communication. While they possess the flexible joints common to squirrels their toes so not possess the claws typical of their fellow rodents, and therefore cannot climb in the traditional method of squirrels.
Liminal squirrels instead rely upon generating portals for both climbing and traveling longer distances. This allows them to travel readily throughout tree canopies and even portal inside of buildings, snatching food directly from kitchens and pantries when they wish. Fortunately liminal squirrels are exceedingly rare by squirrel standards and therefore the sudden appearance of a rainbow colored squirrel is viewed as a sign of fortune or good taste.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Liminal Squirrels appear to be herbivores of discerning taste. While they have been seen to consume nuts and seeds their ability to bypass most barriers via portal has allowed them to develop a taste for prepared foods as well. For this reason it is common practice in restaurants to ward food storage areas with Antimagic, and then place a squirrel-enticing vegetarian dish prominently within the lobby area in the hope of attracting one of the picky liminal squirrels, and subsequently additional customers.
Additional Information
Social Structure
While liminal squirrels have been observed interacting with other squirrels of various species including their own it is rare to spot more than two liminal squirrels in close proximity to each other. Many believe this to mean that liminal squirrels are loners by nature.
Others hypothesize the squirrels to be highly social creatures, unlimited by travel distance due to their Portal Travel abilities and therefore able to hop to the furthest reaches of Fillimet to forage food. These individuals believe that liminal squirrels are extremely social, living in large communities but foraging multiple portal hops from home to protect the privacy of their scurries.
Uses, Products & Exploitation
Sighting a liminal squirrel is considered a sign of upcoming luck in many cultures. Sightings of multiple liminal squirrels denotes the presence of food that has found favor with the portal-hopping squirrels, leading many vegetarian chefs to adopt the rainbow-hued rodent as a decoration on their restaurant signage to attract potential customers.

Liminal (Portal) Squirrels by Sai
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Sciurus portalus
Conservation Status
Due to their frequent status as a sign of good fortune, harming a liminal squirrel is considered to be an invitation for bad luck.
Average Height
8 to 16 inches
Average Weight
0.8 to 2.2 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The natural coloration of the liminal squirrel is unknown due to the Portal Marks completely covering their bodies. Researchers have been unable to safely suppress the squirrels' Interdimensional Magic long enough to allow for births without the colorful markings displaying across all hairs of their bodies and thus their natural coloration remains a mystery. Their resultant patchwork of patterns has earned them the nickname "Rainbow Squirrels."
"leading many vegetarian chefs to adopt the rainbow-hued rodent as a decoration on their restaurant signage to attract potential customers" - very fun so far especially this delightful tidbit