Squirrels are active, curious rodents present across Fillimet. The many sub-species of squirrel are well-adapted to their specific environments, and most societies are accustomed to frequent sightings of at least one variety of squirrel.
Basic Information
Squirrels possess two pairs of limbs, typically ending in four- or five-clawed paws. Most species also possess a bushy tail useful for balance and communication, although some species like the Freshwater Squirrel or Desert Squirrel have developed a tail more specialized for their environmental conditions. Most squirrels can rotate their back paws, allowing them to climb down trees upside down by dangling from their rear limbs.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Most squirrels are herbivores, relying upon nuts and seeds for the bulk of their diet. Some squirrel species have adapted to consume fungi, fresh greens, seafood, and even meats depending upon the available sources of food within their environment.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Squirrels are highly social creatures, communicating with each other with chirps and barks. While these are typically used to warn of predators or defend their food sources they can also be used to request companionship. Some Game Wardens insist squirrels are fully capable of simple communication with those familiar with their language, although many withiut direct experience in the matter are still resistant to this idea.
While squirrels are never really tame some bloodlines of the Tufted Red Squirrel are considered domesticated and frequently kept as pets. They are still prone to the same behaviors as wild squirrels but do seem to bond with their owners over food and companionship.
Facial characteristics

Bucky by Jannet Talbott
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Squirrels have made their home across much of Fillimet, from Snow Squirrels of the Winterwood Forest to the Desert Squirrels of Khalembra and Lokira. Some, such as Tufted Red Squirrels and Gray Squirrels, make their homes anywhere they can find a foothold while others, like the Bigfoot Squirrels of Jannada, are highly adapted to the specific conditions of their home environment.
Average Intelligence
Squirrels are clever creatures, learning quickly from their mistakes and adapting readily to most new challenges within their environment. This is a matter of necessity as squirrels are otherwise highly susceptible to the attention of predators and must therefore remain vigilant at all times.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Squirrels possess a keen sense of eye sight due to their larger eyes and positioning of their eye sockets to the sides of their head. They are also known for an exceptional sense of smell and an fairly accurate if compartmentalized memory, helping them to remember the location of nuts buried for winter.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
4 to 20 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
6 to 24 inches
Average Weight
0.5 to 2.5 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most squirrel sub-species exhibit furs in browns, grays, or reds although some have adapted to display more unusual or colorful coats.