Snow Squirrel

Snow squirrels are active, curious rodents found in the colds of the Winterwood Forest and Lonely Peaks of Nomura. They are capable of surviving deep cold due to their innate magical ability to warm their own blood.

Basic Information


Snow squirrels possess two pairs of limbs ending in five-clawed paws, as well as a bushy tail useful for balance and communication. They can climb down trees upside down courtesy of the ability to rotate their back paws, allowing them to easily maneuver while hanging upside down from a tree. They are surprisingly muscular due to their constant mobility.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most squirrels the snow squirrel is considered an herbivore, although some have been observed eating meat as a last resort to stave off starvation. Nuts and seeds remain their main diet although fruits, leafy vegetables, insects, and fungi also play a role in sustaining snow squirrels during the changing seasons.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Like all squirrels the incisors of snow squirrels never stop growing, requiring them to constantly gnaw on plant life to maintain their teeth at a manageable size.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Snow Squirrels are unique to Nomura, found only within the Winterwood Forest and the base of the Lonely Peaks.   They easily survive in these frigid environments courtesy of basic Hydromancy with augmenting Pyromancy skills. This allows them to use Imperium rather than physical energy to warm their circulation, a trick many cold climate Game Wardens have learned to emulate.

Average Intelligence

Snow squirrels are remarkably clever rodents. While not sapient they are capable of solving complex puzzles through persistence, creative thinking, and trial and error. They are also observant and able to recognize familiar visitors within their territories.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Snow squirrels possess remarkable eye sight, courtesy of their large eyes. Their tactile feeling within their paws is also remarkable, assisting them with their amazing tree climbing capabilities.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Sciurus curious
5 to 10 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
6 in to 13 in
Average Weight
0.6 lbs to 1.5 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The outer fur of the snow squirrel is a brilliant and fluffy white, allowing them to hide well within the snow found almost year round within their habitat. In warmer weather they shed most of this outer layer, revealing a thinner brown gray undercoat.


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Jan 26, 2020 01:36 by Amy Winters-Voss

"They easily survive in these frigid environments courtesy of basic Hydromancy with augmenting Pyromancy skills. This allows them to use Imperium rather than physical energy to warm their circulation, a trick many cold climate Game Wardens have learned to emulate." that is really cool!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Jan 26, 2020 02:23 by Morgan Biscup

I'm glad you like it! Wanted to give them a unique survival trait. Squirrels are fun.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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