Pollination by Night
Boost Your Crop Yield, Guaranteed!
My farm develops highly specialized strains of grain for those with food allergies and intolerances to traditional grains. We were having problems with cross-pollination of our seeding stock, it was reintroducing the exact elements causing our clients adverse reactions to traditional grains, and the cost to agrokinetically correct our seeds every season was threatening to price us out of the market. We finally contracted with Pollination by Night, and not only did their birds carefully pollinate to avoid cross-contamination, they have increased our yield by 400%! Pollination by Night has not only saved our business, but we are now in the process of expanding our product line. Thank you! I wish we had found you sooner, we will certainly be contracting with you again!
What Our Clients are Saying...
Pollination by Night makes everything so easy. I simply schedule an appointment with a representative to select my pollination plan, and provide a tour of the fields to be pollinated. (They prefer to meet at dusk, to view the fields under the same lighting the birds will see.) We agree upon the week of their visit, and I don't have to worry about anything else, they just take care of everything. My plants have never been more productive! Thank you Pollination by Night!
My neighbor and I have been competing for the same business for years, so I hired Pollination by Night in the hope of growing so much produce I would be able to undercut his prices and drive him out of business. Pollination by Night really works! Unfortunately he had the same idea, so now we both have more food than we could ever hope to sell. I wish they would have warned me just how effective of a service I was purchasing, I would have gone for one of the cheaper packages instead.

The starred reviews are a great touch! I think they're a great way to show how people feel about it while impressing the fact that this is a business! Their secret is wonderful, I loved it when you revealed it and I love it now, it's just such a clever approach. I've heard of changing into bats... but cute birds? That's just great.
Thank you so much! I have been enjoying working on these, they are so much fun!
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.