journey tree
Klaaetael, The Tree of Journeys
An agrokinetically-crafted vine native to Jannada, the journey tree was carefully created for use in the Tsekeht Trials. The plant itself is infused heavily with Divination magic, specifically the Distripate spell.
The vine only flowers and fruits when magically forced to do so, and those who eat the fruits are led on a spiritual journey of unparalleled self-discovery. It is considered a sacred plant of the Ecknaab.
Basic Information
Contrary to its name, the journey tree is actually a tough vining plant most comfortable growing underground as a result of the agrokinetic alterations used in its construction. Bred to thrive in the mineral-rich caves of Jannada, the plant conserves energy by only flowering and bearing fruit when directed to do so via Agrokinesis as part of the Tsekeht Trials. Due to the use of magic the entire process requires mere minutes from flower to ripened fruit.

Journey Tree Vines by tjtrewin
The plant blooms two sets of flowers. The first, bearing lacey pink petals, occurs throughout the vine, the petals and pollen drifting to the ground not long after blooming. Inhaling the pollen is actually the first step in experiencing the Distripate spell, although participants must eat the fruit of the tree before they begin to experience any of the effects.
The second flowering stage occurs along the main trunk of the vine, where small red flower clusters group together, one clump for each fruit. The Rekkael administering the test will cause the vine to grow only as many fruits as needed, one for each candidate of the Trials.

Journey Tree Flowers by tjtrewin
The fruit itself displays a bumpy deep red skin with stringy white flesh beneath. Each flower clump grows a single berry fruit, the flesh dry with a noticeable absence of juice once the skin is split.
Due to the Divination magic woven into the very nature of the plant, the fruit's taste depends heavily on the state of mind of the one who consumes it. Most undertaking the Tsekeht have reported varying degrees of bitterness.

Journey Fruit by tjtrewin
Genetics and Reproduction
The vine was created artificially with Agrokinesis and Divination, combining an assortment of favorable traits from plants across Jannada. There are fifteen journey vines in existence, each grown underground within the ritual cave of all fifteen cultures across the planet, all genetically identical and lovingly grown from clippings of the first vine.
It cannot reproduce naturally. The plant does not flower or fruit on its own, one of many intentional modifications made to help it conserve energy underground, and the seeds when it dowss fruit are sterile.
So, the distripate spell is a sort of voluntary ritual, isn't it? As usual I am fascinated by the specifics of your magic and I am trying to understand it well...