accolon Progress Report

Paris Underground

Revolution and treachery beneath the streets of Paris

10465 words

Julian's Prologue: The Last Man

Rogue Britannian agent maintains deep cover to save Capetia from destruction

431 words

Phillipe's Prologue: Paris Excavation

A young Psion resists the will of the Phoenix

331 words

The Ur-Zen Memory Scroll

Precious Precursor artifact recovered from the Paris Oubliens

463 words

accolon Progress so far

11690 words 116.9% completed!

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I'm a scholar of Middle English literature with an interest in mythology, anthropology, natural science, and the history of ideas. All of these spheres of knowledge inform my world building project, which is a post-apocalyptic fantasy campaign setting I have been building for over 20 years.

Favorite Movies

Mishima, Star Wars, Road Warrior, Seven Samurai, The Lion in Winter

Favorite TV Series

Twin Peaks, Fist of the North Star, The Prisoner

Favorite Books

Canterbury Tales, The Foundation, Foucault's Pendulum, Seven Soldiers of Victory

Favorite Writers

Tom Stoppard, Yukio Mishima, William Blake, Edgar Allan Poe

Latest Loved work

Sovereign Military Order of the Burning Dawn

Tyrants Fall

The Sanguine Legion

The Shared Journal