Ononomad Progress Report

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Kingroups and Kithweaving

The structures of Clan and family of the Uferbrech Goblins is underpinned by a complex set of cultural norms and traditions, collectively known as Kithweaving.

1373 words


The Soulhuts are special buildings, traditionally constructed by the clans of the Uferbrech goblins specifically for pregnancy and childbirth.

181 words

Xilo's escape from Tokaru

An infant Xilocoth Stormholder flees with his family from the Protectorate held island of Tokaru.

1532 words


100 words


117 words

Kahi, Ancestor Spirits

When the cycle of birth and rebirth was broken, the souls of those who die remain lost in the world. Unless their descendants can make a place for them, they will live out their rage and frustration at being unborn.

1780 words

Masked Grace

The Masked Grace is one of the Faithful of the Church of the Faceless. Rumour has it that she has come to Tokaru to investigate potential heresies under orders from the mainland Lord Protectors themselves

1606 words

Seers of Ashtiri

The Seers of Ashtiri are the keepers of wisdom, history, ritual and tradition across the clans of the Uferbrech Goblins.

1058 words


Moji are everyday items of personal and ancestral significance to the kingroups of the Uferbrech Goblins. They are imbued with the magical and spiritual energy of the many individuals who used them during their lives

1304 words

The Icepen and Ladders

Encrusted in the snow and sleet that blows in from the ocean, and hidden from the warming rays of the low sun by the cliff that looms above. This is where the least fortunate amongst the denizons of Omberstad live.

1060 words


The prime deity of the Uferbrech Goblins. She has two distinct aspects, that of creator and destroyer

543 words

Ononomad Progress so far

10654 words 106.54% completed!

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Interests & Hobbies

Much music... indi, punk, post-rock, psyche, alt-country... genre-mashing more than anything else.

Favorite Movies

Dune 1 and 2, Fury Road, Moon, Serenity, Children of Men, Spirited Away, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Empire Strikes Back, Inception, Brazil, Bladerunner, Lord of the Rings, Dark City

Favorite TV Series

Andor, Blue Eye Samurai, Fallout, Stranger Things, Firefly, Game of Thrones, Orphan Black, Twin Peaks

Favorite Books

  • Most Neal Stephenson, but for World Building SevenEves is great
  • Michael Moorcock: The Nomad of Time and Jerry Cornelius Quartet
  • Frank Herbert, Dune
  • David Zindell, The Broken God
  • The Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jemison

Favorite Games

D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Blades in the Dark, Baldurs Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, The Sinking City, Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor, Dragon Age, Nier Automata

Latest Loved work

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