vivimorena's WorldEmber 2021 - 0/ 23 prompts completed | World Anvil

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vivimorena Progress Report

Most of the time you can find me on FlightRising! @vivimorena
Check out my worlds!

vivimorena Progress so far

0 words 0% completed!

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Anything and everything inspires me.
 Most of the things I write are impromptu forced by the prompts given. I connect them to my world/s AFTER writing them. 

 My favorite types of prompts are creatures /species/, traditions, materials, geography and sometimes technology & gods & deities.

Interests & Hobbies

Writing, Drawing, Painting, Cooking, answering questions, answering prompts, doing quizzes, pretending to be a bigger introvert than I am, photography /on a hobby level/; Reading - though I'm way too distracted to finish anything lately; RESEARCHING ANYTHING; animals, especially birds, ESPECIALLY OWLS.