Rat-Face Progress Report

Rosemary's Beginning

Rosemary's earliest memories, replaying as she pieces together a ruined lab. ~1k words

926 words

Gil of Cucabusco

A sweet townie who grew up in rough times and ended up on the road for a while.

367 words

Waterwalk Oggin

Eupa's and Ro's maternal uncle, Eupa's second (and primary) guardian for a few years, a nomad

773 words

Soul Anchor

An item given by the Queen of Death to refine by this lifetime as one stays in Death

326 words

Tuthai Mot

A Noressean River from north to south and a major trade and travel route for the southern half.

223 words

Alzed River

Also called Thrai Mot, the Alzed is a young river that technically took over the dumping basin.

146 words

Lord Stenerenetene's Painted Windows

The paintings of Fonfik that loop time and allow for various small 'what ifs' that are possible

138 words

Lord Fonfik Stenerenetene

A living "what if" machine in the form of a painter who has mastered the magic of temporal looping

353 words

Primal Spirits

Consciousnesses that were probably once alive that dwell now in the primordial realm and reach over when they please

128 words


A L'eanansidhe with immense psychic power.

238 words


Asshats that steal personhood for a living

89 words

Wildland Ritual Combat Challenge

A duel for honor

348 words

Waterwalk Tilreg

Betrothed and Traitor of Ro

1235 words

Longwalk Fira

Romantic rival to Ro, girl in Tiger's hunting pack

277 words

Waterwalk Dawn

Best friend to Gloria, mother to Tiger and Tachi, wife to Grit

574 words

Waterwalk Gloria

Mother to twins Ro and Eupa, wife to Bullrush, Friend to Dawn, and a badass huntress before her untimely demise

427 words

The Choosing of the Seeker

A ceremony wherein Primal spirits are invited into a host

419 words

Longrass Bean

A toadie of Tilreg's

274 words

Longrass Crillow

An older couple in the village, parents to many

363 words

Longrass Pip

An ambusher waiting to go to the path

179 words

Longrass Pine

Tilreg's uncle, a drunk without a paddle

282 words

Longrass Snow

A boy in Tilreg's hunting pack and that's... about all I gotta say for him.

114 words

Ty and Ged Wetfoot

Another set of twins, these two with some cheesy magic connections!

511 words


Fall equinox celebration of family and togetherness

158 words

Feast of Pelquin

A winter solstice/new year celebration centered around a strait I haven't named.

252 words

The Beast that Carries the Moon

A folktale that started as most do--an effort to keep the kids entertained.

255 words


Small, big-eared, big-teeth having collectors and scrapworkers

215 words

Peck, the Keeper of the Flock

Several partial souls made corporeal so he could guide the destiny of Brina

241 words


Locomotor magic that sends you to a chosen location instantly

199 words

Psionic Magic

An exploitable "loophole" in the laws of physics where the rules of the world stop applying.

105 words

Healing Magic

The knitting together of rent flesh by magic.

239 words

Healing Spell

Healing magic as applied by Warping magic

121 words

Healing Spirits

Spiritual or natural healing spell calling upon spirits to aid in recovery

113 words

Longrass Meadow

Cousin to Lily, Ro, and Eupa; a perfectly typical villager and loving cousin and caretaker.

520 words


The eighth of the Nine Lords

70 words

Lord of Despair

The Third Lord of the Nine

88 words

Omega of the Pack

A dire wolf that can transform into a elf-human hybrid

279 words

Winter Elves

The creepy court, mostly blue, black, and white

218 words

Summer Elves

The tallest court, mostly green and light brown

296 words

Autumn Elves

Generally tubby, orange, brown, yellow, and red coloring.

201 words

Spring Elves

Pastel colored charmers

171 words

Nocwenese Orcs

Orcs found in Nocwen since the beginning of time, since that's where they started.

190 words

Elseean Orcs

Orcs found in Elsee as of roughly 0 SY

123 words

Sabansi Orcs

Orcs found in Saban in roughly -2000 PW, tougher than average

139 words

Noressean Orcs

Orcs found in Noress since roughly -2000 PW

189 words

The Ruined Temple of the Moon

A temple dedicated to Eless the Moon Goddess that was smashed after a tragic tragedy.

513 words

Repository of Nocwen

The Prototype Repository

249 words

Rat-Face Progress so far

13854 words 138.54% completed!

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One of two creators of Anagod, what started as a DnD world and quickly evolved.   Manuscript on my front page needs betas, manuscript in my discord needs.... help.   I also have an AMA on reddit.    Also, because I'm a whore, my PayPal and cashapp are CreatorDragon

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Swearing for Fun & profit