magical instability
Icecap Project, Record #225R - As suspected, the signature of the material in the magically-charged portions of the ice cores match the signature of the samples from our mishap last week. The Ice Surge can therefore be difinitively linked to the magical instability present on the continent. More research is required to to determine if this was a causal relationship, or simply two results from the same phenomenon.
Magical instability is a result of higher or lower concentrations of magical fields, resulting in spell power variation with an additional risk of completely unexpected results altogether. While some particularly powerful Naturally Attuned individuals can naturally sense these unstable zones, most rely upon the identification of these areas due to past mishaps. The safest course of action is to avoid casting spells within an area impacted by magical instability, as every spell cast carries a risk of catastrophic failure. Spells cast in areas of magical instability can go awry, or even inflict the Imperial Flu upon the caster.Icecap Project, Record #225R - As suspected, the signature of the material in the magically-charged portions of the ice cores match the signature of the samples from our mishap last week. The Ice Surge can therefore be difinitively linked to the magical instability present on the continent. More research is required to to determine if this was a causal relationship, or simply two results from the same phenomenon.
This phenomenon occurs in areas of unusual Magical Field activity. It is best associated with Igoris due to the large concentration of overlapping fields on the continent, but can occur anywhere with a particularly high or low concentration of magical energy. These locations could occur naturally but some have been caused by more artificial means such as heavy repeat exposure to Antimagic.
Magical Instability causes unusual behaviors in magical spells within the impacted area. Sometimes this means the resultant spell gains extra power or even explodes, while other times the spell may fizzle weakly or not cast at all. Rarely a cast spell may provide a completely different outcome than anticipated, usually with devastating effects.
Additionally, casters using spellwork within unstable areas risk contracting the Imperial Flu, destabilizing their own connection to the magical fields.
Igoris Ice Surge
In ancient times the Igoris Icecap actually sustained a tropical paradise with a thriving population. According to cores sampled by the Society of Scientific Exploration and Discovery sometime around 500-800 HFE an enormous magical event occurred, covering the entire continent in an evenly-distributed layer of magically-charged charred material. From this point onward the continent was shrouded in ice. The exact cause of the event is unknown, although the most popular theories all point to ancient magic as either the cause or the result. The event has been successfully linked to the unstable magic in the area, and is considered the likely cause of the high activity from the local magical fields.Localization
Magical Instability occurs in areas of unusual Magical Field activity. The phenomenon is best associated with Igoris due to the unusual concentration of overlapping fields and the resultant consequences when the Society of Scientific Exploration and Discovery first attempted to use magic in their exploration of the continent, but this is not the only location to experience the phenomenon. Anywhere with a dense concentration of magical field activity, or conversely a lower concentration due to exposure to Antimagic and similar, carries the risk of magical instability.
This is a really cool idea. The fact that spells can have unintended effects in these areas is such a rich source of potential conflicts or disasters. :D I like the example of Igoris as kind of a taste of what could actually happen.
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales