Mage's Mold
Mage's Mold, also called Mage's Mole, is a small fungus with yeast-like properties typically used to boost the effectiveness or duration of Astral Projection. It is difficult to spot during daylight, but at night it shines with a bright blue luminescence appearing as dotted lights throughout its lichen host.
Due to its small size and its need to grow with the poisonous Devil's Lichen when found in the wild the fungus is difficult to safely harvest in sizeable quantities. Due to its yeast-like properties the fungus can successfully be cultivated using brewer methods and incorporated into an alcoholic beer, Astral Beer, exhibiting its same astral projection boosting properties.
Additional Information
Uses, Products & Exploitation
Mage's Mold is highly effective at boosting the effects of the user's astral projection. The wild form of the fungus is difficult to harvest due to its small size and its symbiotic relationship with the toxic Devil's Lichen. As a result the Staghorn Brewery developed a method to use a small wild sample to raise a domesticated stock, which they then use to create a magical beer-like brew which enhances a mage's astral projection. While more of the fungus means a stronger boost to the astral projection, the quantities are typically kept on the lower side due to the fungus' yeast-like fermentation properties.
Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms
Mage's Mold can only be found growing in patches of Devil's Lichen. The fungus requires access to the lichen's own nutrients to grow. It is unknown exactly what benefit the lichen gains from this relationship, but it tends to grow faster and more robust when the fungus is present.
Bioluminescent mushrooms, yay!! I like that it's barely visible during the day because of its relationship with its host. I bet it would be a beautiful sight to behold at night.
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
I imagine it looking something like this, but dotted throughout its lichen host instead of water. When I get better at photo manipulation I may try to make an actual picture.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
When I have some time, I could try to make something for you, picture-wise. Remind me in January! :D
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales