
As a Reminder to Our Patrons:
Spellcasting is not permitted at the bar. Management reserves the right to refuse service to any patrons casting spells in this establishment, and to request they vacate the building.
  Intoxication is a period of diminished mental, physical, and magical control as a response to ingesting a drug or other psychoactive substance, such as alcohol. While intoxication is technically classified as being poisoned in most cases the effects will wear off with little to no long-term physical repercussions.


Consuming certain drugs or beverages result in alterations in brain chemistry and behavior, either as a direct result of consumption or as a side effect of the biproducts produced during the digestion process. The full effect of the drug relies upon various factors including the individual's species, Imperium reserve, and sensitivity to the drug. In most cases this is the anticipated and desired effect from consuming the drug or beverage, as many find intoxication to be quite enjoyable.


Euphoria, depression, severe mood swings, emotional overreactions, loss of fine motor control, loss of inhibitions, loss of friends, lack of balance, lack of social tact, lack of control over active spells and their results, clouded vision, clouded judgement, nausea, vomiting, very bad breath, short term memory loss, forgetting personal shortcomings, slurred speech, slurred spellcasting, inability to identify remaining Imperium reserves, inability to differentiate between current reality and parallel planes of existence, drowsiness, and anemia are just some of the possible side effects of intoxication.   Side effects related to reduced cognitive abilities are more readily apparent to the outside observer but are less likely to result in any long-term impairments, while the less noticeable side effects will compound under cases of excessive continual in oxidation.


In most cases the most effective treatment involves simply waiting for the effects to wear off. Intoxication is a temporary state and as an individual's body metabolizes the drug and removes it from the bloodstream its effects will also fade. It is important to note that magic users should refrain from casting spells until the full effects of intoxication wear off, as otherwise they risk draining their Imperium reserves and developing the Imperial Flu.   Im more extreme cases when the individual is also suffering from overdose a Healer will need to help cleanse the blood of the drugs. There are many ways to do this but the advanced fluid manipulation skills of Hydromancy are considered the most effective.   Those who obsessively chase after feelings of intoxication, especially when they have identified a preferred source of the feeling of intoxication, are suffering from addiction. In these cases a complex treatment plan must be enacted. Treatment plans vary by culture and preferred addictive drug, although various studies show Kambiara's Chorus has the best record of success. Even with the best of treatments there is no guarantee the patient will succeed without relapse, as much of the success is dependent upon factors internal to the individual.
Chemical Compound


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Jul 17, 2020 19:38 by Ademal

I like the little bar poster notification at the top!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jul 17, 2020 20:31 by Morgan Biscup

Thank you, I had fun with that one.   This is definitely an article I will be revisiting later. Figured Summer Camp was a good excuse to get the basics down for now.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jul 20, 2020 09:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I assume that, even if they don't drain their magic reserves, casting spells whilst intoxicated can lead to some unintended results.   Really cool. I love how it's based in a real-world thing, but throughout the article there are your own little twists on things. :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Jul 20, 2020 12:30 by Morgan Biscup

Oh yes. I suppose you could say that casting magic while intoxicated is like trying to build a house while playing darts while drunk? Sometimes you get something resembling what you wanted, if you squint just right...

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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