Cliff Hopper

Cliff hoppers are a common sight in areas with sparse vegitation and rough terrain. In spite of their appearance as hairy pillows with heads they are quite maneuverable due to their ability to teleport along their line of sight.

Basic Information


The cliff hopper is covered with thick, unruly fur, typically in shades of brown or gray. Depending upon the species a cliff hopper will have four or six short, stumpy legs, resulting in their fur dragging on the ground. This gives them the appearance of furry pillows with heads, sliding and teleporting across the landscape.   Their heads are long and narrow, almost half the lengths of their bodies, with a long maneuverable tongue able to help them uproot plants or bypass thorns in their efforts to obtain a meal. Their teeth are flat to allow for grinding of their fibrous diet.

Ecology and Habitats

Cliff hoppers dwell in locations with steep inclines or frequent height changes, such as canyons or mountains. Their teleportation capabilities allow them to climb and easily escape predators in spite of their short legs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cliff hoppers are herbivores, subsiding on shrubbery capable of making its home in the cracks between rocks of the hoppers' natural habitat. Mountain loving sweetgrass is a particular favorite.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Cliff jumpers have astute hearing, allowing them to locate predators and escape quickly. They can easily teleport across line of sight, a capability they utilize to climb steep inclines and quickly escape predators.
Conservation Status
Least Concern

Cover image: Nature Forest Trees by jplenio


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