Many thanks to Amy Winters-Voss and Susanne Lamprecht for the coding help to make this generator a reality. If you have a request for a character to add to the generator, leave their name in the comments!
This is fun. I love this. :D
<3 I need to add more characters. Aaaaaaall the characters...
So many characters!!! Awesome!! I spent so much time just clicking to see what would come next, its fantastic :D
I hope you feel suitably motivated! :p Even though my motivational generator is also, clearly, a distraction!
This is great!
Thanks! I had a lot of help setting it up. (Feel free to message me on the Discord if you want to do your own).
Whaaat!? This is amazing! Awesome work. Question: do you use it yourself when low on motivation? :P
Occasionally. I had a lot of fun with this generator. (I have more characters now, I should really add something from them to the rotation too.)
This is fun. I love this. :D
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
<3 I need to add more characters. Aaaaaaall the characters...
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.