Grayce Kallako

Captain Grayce Kallakko

Black sails, black tidings.
— Old sailor's warning
  Captain Kallako and her crew sailed the Blackguard Ocean towards the beginning of the Current Fillimet Era, terrorizing merchant shipping lanes on their black-sailed ship, the Blackguard. Sailors claim that in the calm before major storms her ghostly voice can be heard calling out for their cargo.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Captain Kallako was graceful and light on her feet, even in the most violent of storms. Her swordsmanship was legendary, and she rarely broke a sweat even after the most prolonged of exercise.

Identifying Characteristics

Grace's ears were notched in several places, battlescars from her boarding raids. She wore several gold hoops of different sizes in her right ear.

Physical quirks

She would flick her whiskers when thinking. Her crew believed each tick of her whiskers showed a new though she was evaluating.

Special abilities

Grayce has a special affinity to the waters of the ocean, almost as if the water had moods for her to sense. Some say it was Old Magic at work, others dismissed this as superstition.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grayce was born to merchant parents in a small shore town in Nomura. While she was an adept student, quickly learning her parents' business, she always longed for more. She spent hours in the local tavern each evening learning what she could from the visiting sailors. While she was a favorite of the regulars her business savvy also caught the attention of a newcomer who easily convinced her to join his crew. Thus began her life as a pirate on the Blackguard.  

Pirate's Apprentice

Kallako did well on the ship, earning the respect of the crew with her confidence and mercantile experience. She used her knowledge to assist the crew in locating profitable trading routes to pillage, and always seemed to know where to sell their stolen bounty for the best profits.   After several years her captain grew jealous of her skill and popularity among the crew and planned for her to experience an "accident" during her negotiations in port. Her quick reflexes served her well, and she was able to extract the assassins' client with their last breaths. Sharing her discovery with the rest of the crew earned their agreement to assist her in turning the tables on her opponent and planning a mutiny. Kallako was now the captain of the famed Blackguard.  

Disappearance at Sea

The Blackguard's reputation grew in infamy, as did the description of her fearsome new captain. Ships completely altered trade routes in efforts to avoid her attention and still she seemed to anticipate them. The Blackguard Ocean itself seemed to work in her favor, with foul weather delaying shipments while fair winds filled the Blackguard's sales.   Enraged at the lost business many coastal cities mobilized their armadas hunt down this fearsome pirate. On a fateful day during the height of growing season they were finally able to catch her ship between two military fleets. The Blackguard fled towards the deep ocean, pursued by the fleets.   The fleets were catching up to the beleaguered pirate ship when the ocean itself joined the fray. A sudden storm assaulted the opposing armadas, decimating the aada ships until only one remained. The surviving ship began an effort to rescue any survivors, and while many sailors from the attack fleets were rescued Kallako, her crew, and the Blackguard were never seen again.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tales of her exploits are varied and fantastical, with many detailing adventures of running down or grounding merchant ships overflowing with enough gold and treasures to draw a Feral Dragon's attention. In some tales she then defends her ship and crew from a dragon. In others she successfully evades capture by outrunning an armada, or even drawing down a storm from the heavens to decimate the opposing ships. One popular tale involves Captain Kallako fending off the greedy tentacles of several sea monsters before hiding the treasure on their secret island headquarters.   These tales vary in their details but all describe an agile and cunning Katanoj with her loyal crew surviving and thriving in spite of all attempts to stop them.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is described as sharp and clever, outwitting any challenge set before her. Sometimes in the tales she is a skilled mage, while other times she relies on wits alone, but it is always her intelligence that provides an answer to her current obstacle.

Personality Characteristics


Captain Kallako wanted to be the richest individual to sail the seas, a goal she and her loyal crew attained easily with their brutal campaign on the Blackguard Ocean shipping lanes. Tales of her exploits are still told to this day, especially among sailors.

Personality Quirks

According to the legends she loved intimidating the sailors captured from merchant ships, to the point she purred while threatening them, adding to her threatening countenance.


Captain Kallako was particularly exacting in her appearance, grooming every hair into place. She always believed in utilizing intimidation before violence and presenting herself well was the first step.
46 CFE 78 CFE 32 years old
Pale white fur with patches of black and orange
Quotes & Catchphrases
What gifts have you brought me?
— Captain Grayce Kallako to a captured merchant captain

Cover image: Nature Forest Trees by jplenio


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